• A design if needed to be modified more than thrice shall be charged for accordingly
  • Government fees for the liaison bodies to be paid directly by the client
  • The complete fee payment for plan sanction in Panchayat limits need to be borne by client
  • Assuming the site & road level to be equal, if the ground level needs to be raised above 45cm , it shall be charged for accordingly
  • Hard rock/soft rock excavation, if it arises shall be charged for accordingly
  • Buying new earth/sending existing earth for excavation/backfilling purpose shall be charged on actual
  • Percentage of opening for doors & windows – 22% of built up area Maximum
  • Any work not mentioned within this package or outside the site boundary shall be charged for accordingly
  • One point of Electricity & water needs to be provided by the client free of cost to facilitate construction
  • SBC of soil is considered at 180 KN/M2 and depth of the foundation considered at 5 Feet. Any increase in depth shall be charged accordingly on actuals upon site conditions
  • If there is constraints in material delivery or socking place and materials to be order in small quantities. The additional charges for the same shall be charged on actuals
  • Any road cutting charges for the connection of Electricity and Sewage lines is not included. Such works shall be charged additionally
  • NOTE: The above mentioned material specifications are generalized, the inclusion or the exclusion of the same shall vary depending on the floor plan.